Social Hangover

Social Hangover.jpg

I stopped drinking a few years ago, not because I was too much of a drinker, I just couldn’t handle the 2-3 days of a depression soaked brain that consumed me after a few drinks.  

I thought I’d escaped hangovers all together, but recently discovered a new non-alcoholic variety. 

These past few months, I’ve been fortunate enough to get to travel to San Francisco for work once a month and visit friends. 

It’s been good, possibly a little too good. 

Some friends you know you’ll have for the rest of your life.

Our identities tend to get wrapped up in these type of friendships. You feel a little empty until you’re around them again.

Upon each recent visit, I find myself waking up the next morning with a familiar hangover, not so much in the typical headache and wanting to die from dehydration, but more the feeling that all of my serotonin had been used up from the previous days coffee, skateboarding, and thoughtful conversations. 

After three months of very scientific observation, I’ve concluded. 

I love my friends so much; it literally hurts my brain. 

I can’t think of a better problem to have. 

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