Possibilities Not Problems


A positive message from a negative place. 

Everything we put out into the world is a choice. Positive or negative. 

Marketing books will tell you the best ads, best messaging and most effective copy offers the reader a solution to a problem. 

Everyone is searching for something, an escape, a belonging, a reason to feel. 

One of my mentors always has a way of remaining outwardly positive to the world even during some of the darkest days. 

In the past the outward positivity always pissed me off, I couldn’t see past what was happening behind the scenes. 

Now, looking back, I understand. 

To make connections, tell a story, or inspire people to follow, you have to offer a solution, not a list of problems or complaints. 

If you find yourself wondering how to provide worth in what you have to offer the world, think of the positive outcomes, the battles won, the ways you got through even the hardest scenarios, then share it with someone who might benefit. 

Would you rather hear a story about someone who was dealt a lousy hand, complained about their bosses, their company, their world and gave up at every turn.


Someone who overcame everything in their path, helped others along the way and went on to change the world. 

The fool-hearted, positive underdog always wins. 

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