Under The Influence


At the age of 35, it’s kind of sad that I’m still so affected by skate videos. I should probably know who I am and how I dress by now. 

Well, if a pro skater has never directly influenced you, you’re far smarter than me. 

During the onslaught of top-shelf skateboarding released in the past few months of 2020, I found myself watching video parts while simultaneously contemplating purchasing clothes and shoes I would never be able to pull off. 

An epiphany hit me. With the right level of skating, music choice, editing, and emotional connection, skateboarding has the power to reach alcohol levels of influence over me. 

During Miles Silvas’ Fourth Quarter, I started thinking about grabbing some of those adidas 3ST’s he wears through the whole part. Mason’s endless attack made Nike Blazers look pretty good. Elijah had me thinking about revisiting some plain white tees and high-waters. 

With every mind-boggling last trick and the curtains of each rider’s part, I quickly come down with a bad reality hangover, realizing all those thoughts about clothes and shoes were ridiculous, and I was merely intoxicated.  

I’m not sure why I’m sharing. At this point, I guess I find it funny how much power it still has over me. 

How does that t-shirt slogan go again? “Skateboarding’s a hell of a drug.”

Don’t mind if I do. 

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