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No Managers

What does a people pleaser do when there’s no one to please? 

How do we know we’re happy with something when there’s no boss to say, "good job"? 

The likes might help, but analytics are a rat hole when self-promotion is the game. 

Self-fulfillment is the holy grail. If someone knows the secret to get there, I’m all ears.

In the meantime, for anyone pursuing something of your own, I can tell you it gets a little easier as you go. 

Last year, the thought of posting a selfie or blog would make me cringe and want to choose a different path. 

Still does but to a less crippling extent. 

The more you do it, the less your fragile ego will get in the way.

That self-doubting voice in your head will always be there.

But the feelings you’re chasing will only come when you tell it to quiet down.