Love Is The Hard Part

Love doesn’t get enough credit for being hard. 

Families can be hard; marriage can be hard; throw in kids, it gets harder still, each in varying degrees of learning to be less selfish and the work it takes. 

Working through the hard parts makes the best parts better. Any friendship, love, family, you’ll remember the good times, but just as much, you’ll remember when it all went to shit and what it felt like to have someone with you on the other side.

When you have it, it’s impossible to quit. The beauty’s in the absolute. Your love for your kids will never end. Family is family, by blood or by choice. When your partner’s your partner, the hardships are always temporary. 

There’ll be days seeing your parents take care of their parents, knowing one day, your parents will need you too. 

When one disaster seems to follow another, and somehow you’re still standing.  

Life is threatened, or worse, taken. 

You’ll feel it when you need it most. 

It’s not the absence of hard things; it’s the ability to get through them together.

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