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Let's Talk

First, let’s be honest with ourselves. 

This board, along with most benefit products are more about the buyer than the end charity. Look at me; this is what I believe.

If we cared only for the cause, we would donate the full $65 we paid for the board to the charity rather than the couple bucks they’ll get from a portion of proceeds.

It’s a vanity piece.

More importantly, it’s a conversation piece. 

In this case, a conversation this country desperately needs to have, and continue to have until kids are not being killed in schools on a regular basis. 

To anyone that says we need to keep politics out of skateboarding. Let’s talk.

Skateboarding is a platform. For some of us, it’s the only platform we have to spread ideas, engage in conversations and challenge the rest of the world’s views on how we should live. 

If we water it down, refuse to look in the mirror, or walk on eggshells in the risk of offending a potential customer base we become as bland and hypocritical as everyone else. 

Skateboarding claims to be progressive. In its current state that may be a stretch, but we’re moving in the right direction because some of the hard conversations have started. 

Will buying a poignant and timely skateboard graphic change a corrupt political system, or prevent the next tragedy? Maybe not. 

Will it spread an idea that starts a conversation, a conversation that changes someone’s mind inching us closer to a tipping point and actual change? Yes, it has potential. 

Potential for change is reason enough. 

Keep the political graphics coming, engage us in the conversation, force us out of the silos filled only with those that agree.

The alternative is to complain and do nothing. 

Skateboarding has a voice. Speak up.