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Comfort Zone

I'm losing my comfort zone and hope never to find it. 

This new path of mine is all a big experiment with a sample set of one. 

I have theories, but without using myself as a guinea pig, they will always be just that, theories, without proof. 

What I'm hoping to test is listed below for anyone interested in seeing theories proved right over time or my experiment failing in a fiery, fiery crash. 

Either way, I hope there'll be a lot of lessons learned along the way for myself and anyone following along. 

- Businesses benefit exponentially when there is a person or personalities to tell the story.

- Sharing struggles, failures, and honest insight into a company builds relationships that are far more valuable than any sale or project. 

- Written words and pictures are fun, but without video or audio, a company's growth will be slow and fall short of it's potential.

- Marketing ruins everything. A group of friends and something to believe in is the only story you need.