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Marketing Fail

Always, always, always do your research.

Whatever copy, hashtag, words, or logos, you are going to use, always research them deeply. It’s one of those, “of course you idiot” type of lessons, but in the excitement of creating a website and thinking super emo thoughts about skateboarding, I chose to overlook it until it was too late.

I knew it was a common phrase, but I liked it and chose to ignore whatever else might be out there. A simple google search reveals a whole slew of Hollywood bands and religious affiliations I want nothing to do with. If this were for a client, I would have fired myself, but lucky for me it’s a personal project with a creed to keep things honest, mistakes and all. 

Well, here is the first of many more learning experiences to come. 

I’m sticking with the copy, for now, I still like it, it’s a good research reminder and most of all I believe in skateboarding and the failure that comes with it. 

Most of skateboarding is spent failing if you want to improve.

I try to pretend that starting this business will be different, shiny and free of public failure, but I know that’s a lie. 

Nothing is celebrated because it is easy. 

No story is worth telling without conflict or embarrassing failure to overcome. 

No one else learns when mistakes are kept hidden.