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Home Sweet Home

It feels good to be back.

Jim Thiebaud and the crew at Deluxe taught me everything I know.

My goal with Honest Intent is to always work with people that inspire me, as a first client, I can’t imagine starting it off with anyone better.

Luckily for me, they are willing to take me back.

During my previous nine years at Deluxe, I never thought I would leave, but life has a way of throwing curveballs at you and forcing difficult decisions to be made.

Working in skateboarding was all I ever wanted. It’s all that ever mattered to me.

Leaving it behind was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do, and the transition out set off an identity crisis that I was planning on avoiding until much later in life.

When you strip away your passion and career, who are you?

Am I a marketing guy that can sell anything? No, meaty snack foods don’t do it for me.

Maybe I can learn construction, you know, work outside with my hands. No, you're pretty bad at building things, and way too sensitive for this line of work.

What about a barista? I love coffee and cafes. Yes, this is awesome, I love working in coffee, this is super fun.

Wait, am I just faking it? Will opening Barista Magazine ever compare to getting the latest Thrasher in the mail?

As much as I wanted it to, no it just wouldn’t do.

Skateboarding is in me, always will be.

After two years of testing things out in the ordinary world, I am back in a place that feels like home, working alongside some of my best friends at the one and only Deluxe.